Our Therapeutic Approach

Therapy is sometimes like a jigsaw puzzle. You start with a bag full of the pieces of your life, and our goal is to see what belongs where and what role they have played or are playing in your life. We do not become the people we are by chance. We are all a great mixture of nature and nurture.

Sometimes, I like to think of my job as the blind spot mirror of your life.Sometimes I am the person who points out the areas you are not able to see and therefore change.
Above all, we need to engage in this process with compassion and 

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of personality that helps us understand our psychological structure. It helps us discover behaviour patterns, defence mechanisms, beliefs, etc. and how we acquired them.  
TA is very effective when we want to change response patterns and behaviour towards difficult or uncomfortable situations. It is also very effective when working through depression, and anxiety, or when we are struggling in our relationships.
Click here to learn more about TA and how it can help you. 

Do you find yourself having thoughts or physical sensations that remind you of an unpleasant experience? Do you have flashbacks of memories? 
If you have answered yes, to any of these questions, then EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy might be the right approach for you.
More than a technique, it is an internationally recognized evidence-based treatment and therapy that can improve or permanently resolve trauma. Often presenting itself as symptoms of post-traumatic stress, sexual and/or physical abuse, anxiety and phobias, panic attacks, childhood neglect and abuse and much more. 
For more details on EMDR,  visit our blog 
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular approaches to psychotherapy. It allows the client to implement techniques/skills to see immediate results. It integrates cognition (thoughts and ideas), behaviours, emotions and learning. 

Although therapeutically does not always get to the bottom of why the client acquired the defence mechanisms, cognitive distortions, etc.) it does help modify how he/she interacts with thoughts, triggers and the world in general.
For more details on CBT click here